Throngler's corner

Welcome Whoami The third Building the site Personal projects

Welcome to Throngler's corner!

I started this website for fun, as a way to experiment with web design, get creative, and not worrying about the best practices of UI/UX. I already know my way around web programming, but I figured it would be fun to have a space to call my own where I can experiment without worrying about the quality.

It may be obvious, but I haven't put a lot of dev time into this site yet, but I am hoping to build it up and make it look better as time goes on.

Hopefully you enjoy! I hope to write about some of the cool projects I have worked on as well as talk about cool stuff going on in my day-to-day life.

Who is the Throngler, one may ask?

I am A

  • Student
  • Gamer
  • Programmer
  • Tinkerer

What are my favorite

  • Foods Pizza, Ice cream, Chicken Tika Massala, and many more
  • Games Cyberpunk 2077, No Man's Sky, Skyrim, Hollow Knight, Batman Arkham City
  • Movies Batman Begins, Howl's Moving castle, Shrek 2
  • Manga Berserk
  • Anime Death Note, Naruto, Berserk (1997), Pluto, Devil Man Crybaby

Dec 27, 2024

In my last update I added a blog tab to the site, but I decided to remove it - because I can. I updated the Whoami section with favorites that can be revealed by hovering- while impractical, it's kind of cool. I am thinking about what else would be cool for this site: a news-style banner for the footer, more pages, maybe one talking about some of my projects? I also added a hidden easter egg

Dec 17, 2024

So far, I have been mainly experimenting with css animation and transitions. I have used transitions before, so the button hover and click are nothing new to me, but I never realized how simple the animations could be before I tried with this site. The first animation I made was the opacity and color of the main content background which I think turned out fairly well. Other than that, I added a content transition which I think looks pretty good when changing tabs; I did a fade-in and used position: relative to make it float in from the right like a PowerPoint transition. I also animated the footer whenever the page loads which I think looks slick on my curved monitor.

I always liked the translucent background blur effect backdrop-filter: blur;, so of course I included that in the footer and the body.

Jan 18, 2025

Added a projects tab and a project detail page



KaiNet.Net is an extensible networking library written in C#. It has a customizable protocol built on top of TCP, supports additional communication channels (built-in TCP and UDP with options to add your own), has end-to-end encryption, and many more features. Importantly, it is simple to setup and get working with minimal configuration required.


PersonalFileServer (Server) is a cross-platform file server using dotnet. It uses KaiNet.Net for it's networking capabilities. It works well from my testing, but still needs some work to add more features and functionality

PersonalFileServer (Client) is the cross-platform counterpart for the server written in Avalonia. I have tested it on Windows 10 and Linux, it should work on MacOS, but I haven't made it work with mobile yet.